Multiply it by 100 and it is 73%
84 and 91 are composite numbers 67 and 73 are prime numbers
The prime numbers between 70 and 80 are 71, 73 and 79They are: 71, 73 and 79
1 x 5329 73 x 73
61, 67, 71, and 73
They are: 1*73 = 73 which is a prime number
There is an infinite number of combinations to do this. The most obvious is 1 x 73
Multiply it by 100 and it is 73%
12,341,234 = 2 x 73 x 137 x 617
1 times 73 = 73 which is a prime number
There are infinitely many possible answers. One possible answer is 1 times 73.
1 and 73
The prime numbers between 73 and 100 are: 73, 79, 83, 89, 97
84 and 91 are composite numbers 67 and 73 are prime numbers