1, 11, 73, 803 (1 x 803, 11 x 73)
803 to the nearest hundreds is 800
.07 percent
80 percent of 60 percent = 48%
60 percent as a percent is 60%
15 percent equals 0.15
When you have decimals you times them buy 100 to get the percent so .5 equals 50% and .05 equals 5% and .005 equals .5%
12045 = 5 x 2409 = 3 x 5 x 803 = 3 x 5 x 11 x 73
40% of 95 equals 38.
9 out of 36 equals 25%
It is: (MM)DCCCIII which means 1000*2000+803 = 2,000,803