To convert a fraction to a percentage multiply by 100%:
68/85 = 68/85 x 100 % = 80 %
It is: (68/80)*100 = 85%
Subtracting 20 percent from 85 gives 85 x (1 - (20/100)) = 85 x 0.8 = 68
68 students increased by 125 percent = 153 students 68 increased by 125% =68 + (125% * 68) =68 + (1.25 * 68) =68 + 85 = 153 students
percentage = 85%% rate:= 68/80 * 100%= 0.85 * 100%= 85%
85% of 68 is 57.8
68 / 0.8 = 85 Therefore, 68 is 80 percent of 85.
twenty percent 85 = 100% 8.5 = 10% 17 = 20% 85 - 68 = 17
It is: 85% of 80 = 68
This can be solved by using the following formula: .85=68/x We must solve for x. To do that, we make it x=68/.85 The resulting answer is 80. 68 is 85% of 80.
It is: (68/80)*100 = 85%
To find 80 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.8. In this instance, 0.8 x 85 = 68. Therefore, 80 percent of 85 is equal to 68.
Subtracting 20 percent from 85 gives 85 x (1 - (20/100)) = 85 x 0.8 = 68