When calculating with percentages, one method is to first convert them to decimals or fractions. Using the decimal method, 80%=0.8 and 100%=1. Therefore, the literal translation of you question would read "0.8 x 1 = 0.8". 0.8 is the decimal answer. If you wanted a percentage answer, you would convert this back to 80%. Kind of a nonsense question, though. You usually do not take percentages of percentages.
8/10 80/100
100% is equal to 625000. 80% : 500000 = 100% : N 80%N/80%= (500000 * 100%)/80% N= 5000000/8 N= 625000
80% of 1000 = 1000*80/100 = 80080 percent of 1000 = 800
80/100 x 220 = 176
7 ÷ 100 × 80 = 5.6
80 percent of one hundred = 8080% of 100= 80%/100 * 100= 80
80 percent of 125 is 100.
80 decreased by 100 percent = zero
8/10 80/100
The number 80 means 100 percent 80/100 = 0.8 means 1 percent. 64/0.8 gives 80 percent, belonging to the number 64.
80% or 80/100
100% of 80 = 80
Express percent as decimal: 50% = 50/100 = 0.50 and 80% = 80/100 = .80 so .5o times .80 = .40 = 40%
80 written as a percent = 8000% 80 * 100% = 8000%
0.8 is 80% in decimal form.
80 percent of 125 is 100.
11 out of 80 as a percent is 13.75%. 11/80=0.1375 - to convert a decimal to a percent, multiply by 100 0.1375*100=13.75%