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Q: What percent of Colombians are younger than age 15?
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What are the penalties for closing an IRA?

Besides the taxes you will have to pay on the lump sum distribution, there is a 10 percent penalty if you are younger than 59-1/2 years of age.

Can you give me an example and an answer for Comparison Problems in Math?

Is your father older than you? (Age of Father) > (Age of Son)? The answer would be TRUE Are the ages of twins equal? (Age of first twin) = (Age of second twin)? The answer would be TRUE Is your younger brother's age less than yours? (Age of younger brother) < (Age of older brother)? The answer would be TRUE Is the age of the older brother not equal the age of the younger brother? (Age of older brother) <> (Age of younger brother)? The answer would be TRUE Note that if you reverse the order of comparison in certain cases, the results would be different. As one example from above Is your age less than your younger brother's age? (Age of older brother) < (Age of younger brother)? The answer would be FALSE

How many years younger was Arsinoe than Cleopatra?

Arsinoe was about 10 or12 years younger than Cleopatra. Her exact age is unknown, but we do know that she was much younger than Cleo.

What is older than a kid and younger than a teen?

preteen is the age from about 10 years to 12 years of age

What is tammy winters age?

40 but claims 10 years younger than real age.

What age does the girl have to be to date Cody Simpson?

Probably no younger than three years his age.

Can girls get married at a younger age than boys?

No. Same age.

What do I do she is younger than me I love her?

If she is of legal age and loves you back, go for it!

What age girls do roc royal data?

No younger than 13.

How old are you supposed to be to watch kids in the state of Alabama?

The state of Alabama does not have a minimum babysitting age. It is never recommended that a child younger than age 12 be responsible for another child younger than them.

According to Census 2000, how did the overall American Indian and Alaska Native population compare to the national median age?

6 years younger than the national median age

Why are you younger on Saturn than Earth?

You are not younger on Saturn: the same amount of time has elapsed in your life. However, a Saturnian year is longer than an Earth year, you your age in Saturnian years is less than your age in Earth years.