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Q: What percent of the expenses is spent on utilities the utilites are 285 and the total expense is 2339.50?
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How do you find the percent of of the expenses is spent on utilities?

Total of income. Total spent on utilities. utilities divided by 100, timed by income, will give the percentage of utilities.

How do I Create a formula to determine the percentage of income used for each expense. Be sure to format it as a percentage. Place that formula in the row next to the total of each monthly expense?

To find the percentage of each expense, you would divide the total expenses by the total of each expense category. Right-click on the cell where you want to display the percentage and format the cell to display the value as a percent. You also can select the number of decimal places to display. If your total expenses are displayed in cell N12 and your office expenses are in cell N3, put the following formula in O3: =N3/N12. This will divide the office expenses by the total expenses and give you a decimal. If Total Expenses are $100 and Office Expenses are $20, cell O3 will display .2. When you format the cell to display as a percent, you will see .2 change to 20% (if you format to display 0 decimal places). If you want to display as 20.00%, then format to display 2 decimal places.

Lindsey budgeted 18 percent of her monthly income of 1700 for utilities How much can she spend on utilities?


How do you construct a statement of income revenues of 12 million in 2007 Expenses other than depreciation totaled 75 percent of revenues and depreciation expense was 1.5 million?

Revenue 12000000 Less: Expenses @ 75% of revenue 9000000 Depreciation 1500000 Net Income 1500000

What are the difference between cost and costing?

An expense is an ongoing payment like utilities, rent, payroll, and marketing. It is being used up while a company does its main revenue-generating activities. A cost is the price of an individual asset.

Michelle budgeted four percent of her monthly income of 1700 for utilities How much does she plan to spend on utilities?


What is the formula to figure out expenses as a percent of gross protift?

expenses/gross Just divide expenses into gross.

Leigh earns 1345.63 per month and budgets 22 percent of her income for utilities How much does she spend for utilities?


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The actual expenses for the most recent fiscal quarter were 120 percent of budgeted expenses If the budgeted expenses were 7585 dollars then what were the actual expenses?

20.0 or .20

Michelle budgeted 4 percent of her monthly income of 1 700.00 for utilities How much does she plan to spend on utilities?

Income = 1700 Planned spending on Utilities = 4% Amount spent = 1700 * (4/100) = 68 She will spend 68 bucks on her utilities.

This is the Reed family budget. What percent of the expenses are spent on gifts and donations?

I am unable to se the budget, therefore I cannot tell the percent of the expenses that are spent on gifts and donations.