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4 degrees would be 4/360*100 or 1.11%.

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Q: What percent would 4 degrees be?
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How many degrees of the circle in a pie graph would the red shirts be if they were 4 percent?

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Answer of 4 percent angle?

More information would be needed to answer this one. (10% of 40 degrees would yield a 4% angle, but the anwer of 4% could be obtained many different ways.)

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Generally, there is not a conversion between the two with no context. 75 percent of a circle would equal .75x360 degrees = 270 degrees of the circle.

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4/9 as a percent would be 44.4%


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Minus 4 degrees Celsius is 10 degrees colder than plus 6 degrees Celsius. Or, it would be 24.8 degrees Fahrenheit.

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5 degrees

What would be the next label 75 percent N?

76 degrees north

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18/100 * 360 = 18*3.6 = 64.8 degrees

What is the percent of the fraction 1 4?

The percentage of 1/4 is 25 percent.......... As, 2/4 is 50 percent half of it would be 25 out of 100.

How many people in the air force have degrees?

There are 62 percent of officers with advanced or professional degrees. Fifty percent holds a master's degree, 10.2 percent have professional degrees, and 1.8 percent possess doctorate degrees.