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Molar Mass of Al: 2(27.0g/mol) = 54.0g/mol

Molar Mass of O: 3(16.0g/mol) = 48.0g/mol

Molar Mass of compound: 102.0g.mol

(54.0g/mol / 102.0g/mol) x 100% = 52.9%

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Q: What percentage composition of Al2O3 is aluminum?
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What is the chemical formulae of aluminum oxide?

We know that Al2O3 is the chemical formula for aluminum oxide.

What is the scinecetific word for al2o3?

Al2O3 is aluminum oxide.

What is the chemical formula for aluminum oxide when heated?

Aluminum oxide is Al2O3 and when heated it is still Al2O3, so heating aluminum oxide does nothing to it.

Ruby a mineral or a rock?

Rubies (and sapphires also) are compounds of a crystallized mineral called corundum that consists mostly of aluminum oxide (Al2O3).

What happens when aluminium and oxygen combine?

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