25 out of 30 as a percentage is about 83.33%.
61.333% is the percentage of 18.4 out of 30.
30 as a percentage of 3 600:(30 / 3 600) * 100 = 0.833 %
21/25 = 84%
To work out the percentage of, for example, 21 correct answers out of 30 questions, do the following: 21 ÷ 30 × 100 = 70 (add the percentage sign, thus: 70%)(If the answer had been 0.70, ignore the 0. and use 70 as the percentage.)
Expressed as a percentage, 21/70 x 100 = 30 percent.
Expressed as a percentage, 21/70 x 100 = 30 percent.
35.2941% difference.
30 - 9 = 21 kids didn't. (21/30)*100 = 70% didn't get an A (meaning 30% did)
Missed = 9/30 = 0.3 = 30% Hit = 21/30 = 0.7 = 70%
percentage of 30% = 30%
100 (30,000/21,000) = 142.85 %, if all the zeros in the data are significant.
Expressed as a percentage, 21/25 = 84%.
percentage == 30%% rate:= 30/100 * 100%= 30%
percentage of 21 out of 32 = 65.625%= 21/32 * 100% = 0.65625 * 100% = 65.625%