To convert a fraction to a percentage, multiply it by 100: 5/25 = 5/25 x 100 % = 20 %
5/20 as a percentage is 25%
5/20 x 5/5 = 25/100 = 25%
Expressed as a percentage, 5/20 x 100 = 25 percent.
the wording is "what percentage of 25 is 5" is= = of= * unknown varriable= x x*25=5 /25 /25 x=0.2 20% or 1/5 is the answer
To convert a fraction to a percentage, multiply it by 100: 5/25 = 5/25 x 100 % = 20 %
It is the increase or decrease in some amount, expressed as a percentage of the original amount. For example, if the price of something goes from 25 to 30 then the original amount was 25 and the increase was 30-25 = 5. So the percentage increase is 5 as a percentage of 25 which is 100*(5/25) = 20%
5/20 as a percentage is 25%
It is 25%.
Expressed as a percentage, 5/25 is equal to 5/25 x 100 = 20 percent.
5/20 x 5/5 = 25/100 = 25%
percentage = 500%% rate:= 125/25 * 100%= 5 * 100%= 500%
Expressed as a percentage, 25/500 x 100 = 5 percent.