That would be fifty percent. A half of a dollar is fifty cents, for example.
7 1/2 written as a percentage is 750%
10 out of 20 is equal to half, or 50%
How many times does 40 go into 100? Two and a half times. So the percentage is 2.5%.
Three sixths is simplified into one half, or 50%.
half as a percentage is 50%
One and a half as a percentage is 150%
1 half in percentage = 1/2% (one-half percent)
1 half is equal to 50% as a percentage.
50% is half of something.
One half is 50%
As a percentage 1/2 = 50%
Half of a half is equivalent to 1/2 * 1/2, which equals 1/4. To convert this fraction to a percentage, you multiply by 100. Therefore, half of a half is 25%.
33.5 If the question was "what is 33 and a half expressed as a percentage of 100?" The answer would be 33.5%
One and a half equals 150%
the percentage for the fraction 1/2 is 50%.