Decrease from 140 to 84 = 56 Percentage decrease = 56/140 * 100 = 40%
.40 times 140 is 56
140 x 0.40 = 56
The GCF is 7.
The percentage of 56 out of 80 is 70%.
Decrease from 140 to 84 = 56 Percentage decrease = 56/140 * 100 = 40%
56 is 140% of 40.
100(56/140) = 40 %.
LCM(42, 56, 140) = 840
the least common multiple of 42,56, and 140 is 840.
56 percent of 250 is 140.
28, 56, 84, 112, 140
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 43 56 140 is 12,040.
lcm of 42,56 and 140 = 840
.40 times 140 is 56
140 x 0.40 = 56