

What prime number can go into 80?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 5 = 80

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Q: What prime number can go into 80?
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ANSWER: The next prime number after 80 is 83.

What is the first prime number after 80?

The first prime number after 80 is 83.

What prime numbers equal 80?

The only number that equals 80 is 80, and it's not a prime number.

Is 6 a prime number of 80?

6 is not a factor of 80. 6 is not a prime number.

Is 4 a prime number of 80?

4 is not a prime number.

What number is prime of the 80?

3 is a co-Prime number.

What prime facorizations go into 80?

Prime factorization of 80 = 2x2x2x2x5.

What is the product and prime number of 80?

The prime factorization of 80 is 2x2x2x2x5 (or 24x5).

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3 is a co-prime number.

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number of prime numbers in 71 to 80 = 3prime numbers in 71 to 80 = 71, 73, & 79

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What could go into 80 and 27?

Only the number 1 since the two numbers are co-prime.