A single number, such as 364758 does not describe a sequence, nor a series.
A single number, such as 12848384 does not make a series.
To divide a single digit number by a double digit number,you first have to understand its obviously isn't easy. The following should help: *Put a zero on the area of the quotient and add a decimal point next to it. * After doing this,divide as if both numbers were two digit numbers and proceed You should get the answer.
There should be 3.
It should be an even number I think
When the value 4,449 is rounded to two significant figures the number should be reported as 4,400
A single number, such as 12848384 does not make a series.
I'm convinced that 3,840 is.
It is 24 and it should be 25 as a square number
What should be the next number in the following series? 100 96 104 88 120 56
You should read the Ender's Game series in the following order: Ender's Game, Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, Children of the Mind.
The answer is C.
The answer is C.
The next number in the sequence 100,96,104,88,120,56 is 184.The pattern is minus 4, plus 8, minus 16, plus 32, minus 64, plus 128
A good warrior should try his/her best in whatever they are doing and they should listen to their leader. Following the warrior code and following his/her duties as a warrior/apprentice.Sorry about this,but:This is for the 'Warrior' cats series.