

Best Answer

There are infinitely many possible answers. One such is {9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15}.

There are infinitely many possible answers. One such is {9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15}.

There are infinitely many possible answers. One such is {9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15}.

There are infinitely many possible answers. One such is {9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15}.

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There are infinitely many possible answers. One such is {9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15}.

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Q: What six numbers have the average of the number 12?
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If the average of six numbers is 12 subtract 6 from one of theses numbers the 6 numbers would then have an average of what?

The sum of the six numbers/6 = 12 The sum of the six numbers = 72 (72-6)/6=11

How do you average two numbers that are negative?

You would average them the same way you average other numbers: add the numbers together and divide by the number of numbers you added together (in this case, two). For example, the average of -12 and -20 is (-12 + -20)/2 = -32/2 = -16.

If the average of these four numbers are 21 find the missing number the numbers are 12 18 28 and?

The Answer is 26

What Does Mean Mean In The Maths Terms?

The mean of a set of data is also known as the average. To get the average, add all the numbers in a data set up, then take away the number of numbers. eg. data set = 5,6,7,6,6,4,4,3,4,5,4,6. Added = 60 Number of numbers = 12 60/12 = 5 = Average

How do you find the average of numbers?

To find the average, or the arithmetic mean, you add up all the numbers and divide the sum by the number of numbers. So, for example, the average of 6, 7, 9, 12 is (6+7+9+12)/4 =34/4 = 8.5

What is the sum of six numbers that equal 12?


The average of 30 numbers is 12.The average of the first 20 of them is 11 and that of the next 9 is 10.The last number is?


If the average of these four numbers is 21 find the missing number from 12 18 28?


I am thinking of two numbers, 12 and another number. The greatest or highest common factor for 12 and the number I am thinking of is six, the least common multiple of them is 36. What is the other number I am thinking of?


Why is the average if a number?

The average of a set of numbers is the sum of all the numbers, divided the amount of numbers in the sequence. For example, the average of 12, 14, 13, 15, and 20, would be the sum of the numbers, 74, divided by the amount of numbers in the sequence, 5. So the average is 74/5, which is 14.8.

What is the the average of 12 17 and 7?

The average of these three numbers is 12.

How do you work out this sum the average of 2 numbers is 16 if of one number is 12 what is the other number?

You 'work it out' by understanding what an average is, and how to work with it. -- Write the formula for the average of two numbers. -- Put the numbers you know into it. -- Solve it for the number you don't know. The average of two numbers is Avg = 1/2 (A + B) Put in the numbers you know: 16 = 1/2 (12 + B) You should be able to take this expression and find out what 'B' is. If you can't, then you need to make an appointment and spend some time with your teacher.