The greatest common factor of the numbers 200, 450 and 300 is 50.
GCF(150, 200, 300) = 50
You can choose any number that is a multiple of 8 that is above 200. lets say 208. Add 8 to it and you have 216. 208 and 216, or 216 and 224, etc. if they are apart by the gcf, when divided you are left with 2 numbers 1 apart (cannot be further divided by anything other than 1)
40 and 50
The GCF is 5.
286 and 299 have GCF of 13.
216 and 234
280 and 287
260 and 273
The greatest common factor of the numbers 200, 450 and 300 is 50.
221 and 247 are one of many possible pairs.
The greatest common factor (GCF) of 150, 200, and 300 is 50.
Pick any two multiples of 7 in that range that differ by 7, like 210 and 217.
The GCF is 100.
lets say 210 and 217. It could be any two multiples of 7, that are separated by 7
The GCF is 20.
The GCF is 50.