871 and 1742
Both numbers are not even. If they were, the GCF would be 1742 (871*2) i think it is 5 of the two rear numbers factor
This problem doesn't work. If both numbers have a common factor of 871 and are even, that means they also have a common factor of 2. 5226 and 3484 are both even and have a common factor of 871 and are not divisible by each other, but their GCF is 1742 (2 x 871)
871 and any multiple of 871
Two even numbers won't have an odd GCF.
871 and 1742
871 and 871. If they need to be different, 871 and 1742.
871 and 1742 have a GCF of 871.
871 and 1742 is another.
871 and 1742 871 and any multiple of 871
Both numbers are not even. If they were, the GCF would be 1742 (871*2) i think it is 5 of the two rear numbers factor
This problem doesn't work. If both numbers have a common factor of 871 and are even, that means they also have a common factor of 2. 5226 and 3484 are both even and have a common factor of 871 and are not divisible by each other, but their GCF is 1742 (2 x 871)
You need to compare at least two numbers to find a GCF.
871 and any multiple of 871
Two even numbers won't have an odd GCF.
871 and 871. If they need to be different, 871 and 1742.