No two prime numbers added together have a sum of 97. All primes except the number 2 are odd numbers, and two odd numbers added together always produce an even sum.
97 and 5
Two numbers added together equals - 1: x + y = -1The same two numbers multiplied equals 2: xy = 2If there was a solution, both numbers would have to be negative to satisfy the two conditions at the same time: y < 0, x < 0After spending some time calculating, I recon there is no solution to this equation system that satisfy the two conditions simultaneously.1) x+y = -12) xy = 2Answer: The question is missing a solution. No solution is possible.
139, 3, 2
If you're talking about which two prime numbers added together equals to 19, then the answer is 2 and 17. They are both prime numbers, and they add up to be 19.
15.268 and 18.732
7.5516 and 70.4484 (approx)
The numbers are 10 and 5.2
2.4115 and 33.5885 (to 4 dp)
8, 5 and 2
The numbers are: 30 and -30
A number multiplied by itself added to itself equals 30. What are the two possible numbers?