The greatest common factor (GCF) of two numbers is the largest positive integer that divides both numbers without leaving a remainder. The GCF of 20 and 64 is 4, as both numbers can be evenly divided by 4. When you add 20 and 64 together, you get 84.
That's a false statement. Both 16 and 64 have one prime factor. 16 can't be the LCM of two prime numbers and 64 can't be the product. If you leave out the word prime, you can use 16 and 4.
A proportion refers to a relationship between two numbers, not four.
The GCF is: 1.
You need at least two numbers to find something in common.
36 and 64
16 and 64. 16 is 4 squared. 64 is 8 squared.
-8 and -8
The two square numbers that total 85 are 64 and 21. The square root of 64 is 8, and the square root of 21 is approximately 4.58. When you add 64 and 21 together, you get 85.
36 + 64 = 100 (6x6) + (8x8)
square root of 64 is 8
Well, darling, I'm not here to play games, but I'll humor you this one time. The two square numbers that add up to 64 are 36 and 28. Don't come crying to me if you can't handle the heat in the math kitchen.