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Exponents are a way of representing repeated multiplication by the same factor.

3 x 3 x 3 = 33

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Q: What way of representing repated multiplication by the same factor?
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What is an expression that represents repeated multiplication of the same factor?


Is the factor game and the product game the same?

They are the same because they both use multiplication

What expression represents a repeated multiplication of the same factor?

Exponential notation is used to represent repeated multiplication of the same factor.

Are factors and facts the same?

No. Factors combine in multiplication to create a product.

What is a shorthand notation for repeated multiplication of the same factor?

An Exponent is a shorthand notation for repeated multiplication of the same factor. For instance: 5^4 actually means 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 = 625

Why is the order of the prime factor is not important?

Because multiplication is commutative. The order of the factors doesn't matter, the product will be the same.

How do factor pairs for one dollar compare to factor pairs for 100?

Since one dollar is one hundred pennies, the multiplication sentences for 100 would be the same in both cases.

When a number is written in exponential form what is the number that is used as a factor?

When we multiply two or more numbers we call them factors, and the result a product. If we multiply the same number a several time, we call it a repeating multiplication, where the factor is the number itself. For example, 5*5*5*5*5*5. In this multiplication the number 5 (or the factor 5) appears 6 times. We use the exponential form 56 as a short hand to represent this repeated multiplication of 5, and we call the factor 5 the base, and the number of its appearances in the multiplication, 6, the exponent.

How many amps in 54watts?

They are not the same you need to know the voltage as well.

How do you solve 625 using repeated multiplication of the same factor the using exponents?

5 x 5 x 5 x 5 = 625

In what ways are addition and multiplication alike?

Multiplication by an integer is the same as repeated addition.

Explain how factors are related to rectangles?

Some people like to visualize factors as representing the lengths of sides of rectangles. In the same way that length times width equals area, factor times factor equals product.