921 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 0. Rounded to the nearest thousand is 1000.
It would be 0. Rounded to the nearest thousand would be 2000.
It is 1000000. Rounded to the nearest thousand is 992000.
It would be 694563000. Rounded to the nearest ten thousand would be 694560000.
It would be 4800000. Rounded to the nearest million would be 5000000
570,274 rounded to the nearest ten thousand would be 570,000.
104229 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 100,000. When rounding to the nearest ten thousand, you look at the digit in the ten thousand's place, which is 1 in this case. Since the digit to the right of it is 0, you round down to 100,000.
It would be 10000. Rounded to the nearest thousand is 11000.
921 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 0. Rounded to the nearest thousand is 1000.
It would be 0. Rounded to the nearest thousand would be 2000.
It is 1000000. Rounded to the nearest thousand is 992000.
It would be 3000000. Rounded to the nearest ten thousand would be 2970000.