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A negative number e.g 3 times -4 = -12

Do the normal sum then add in the minus (when timing) :)

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Q: When multiplying a negative number by positive number by a positive you get a?
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How do i times by a minus number?

The same as a positive one. If you are multiplying a positive number by a negative, the answer will be negative. If you are multiplying a negative number by a negative, the answer will be positive.

When you multiply a negative number by a positive number is the number positive or negative?

The result of multiplying a positive number by a negative number is a negative number.

How do you multiple and divide positive and negative integers?

multiplying and dividing a negative number will "flip" the sign of the other number. So multiplying two negative numbers will produce a positive number. Multiplying one positive and one negative number will produce a negative. And of course two positive numbers yield a positive.

What type of number is the result of multiplying a negative number by a negative number?

a positive number

When multiplying a negative number by a positive number is the result going to be negative or positive?

The result will always be negative. Positive X Positive = Positive Negative X Negative = Positive Positive X Negative = Negative

When multiplying two numbers with different signs the result will be?

Multiplying a positive and negative number will give a negative result. The result is a negative number.

When you multiply a negative number by a negative number is the number positive or negative?

Positive A simple rule to remember this is when multiplying two numbers with the same sign, the result is ALWAYS positive. When multiplying two numbers with different signs, the results is ALWAYS negative.

Why the product of two negative numbers is positive.?

Multiplying something by a negative number makes it change signs. A positive number multiplied by a negative is negative therefore a negative * a negative is positive.

Why is it when you multiply two negative integers that it is a positive answer?

Multiplying anything non-zero by a negative number changes the sign. A positive number multiplied by a negative number becomes negative. A negative number multiplied by a negative number becomes positive.

Why is the product of a negative number and a positive number negative?

In math, a product is the result of multiplying. Multiplication is distributive over positive and negative numbers, which means, when a negative number is multiplied by a positive number, it always yields a negative result.

Does a positive time a positive equal a positive?

A positive number multiplied by another positive number yields a positive number. A negative number multiplied by another negative number also yields a positive number. Only multiplying a negative number by a positive number (or the other way around) yields a negative number as the product.

How can you tell from the number of factors when a product is positive or negative?

If you are multiplying negative numbers, an odd number of factors will have a negative product. An even number of factors will have a positive product.