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Q: When typing an ordinal followed by a space bar or a hyphen makes part of the ordinal into a subscript?
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How do you get the 2 in CO2 to get smaller?

To type CO2 it is necessary to set the font to subscript before typing the number 2. If typing CO2 as part of a Wiki question, it is not possible to do this.

Do you make a dash by typing two hyphens with 1 space before and after each hyphen?

The so-called "em dash" (kind of like a very long hyphen) is normally automatically created in some word processing software (such as Microsoft Word®). If this option is unavailable to you, you can hold the alt key and type 0151 on your number keypad and then release the alt key.

Typing text followed by two hyphens followed by more text and then a space changes the two hyphens to?

If you are referring to the automatic replacement that occurs in Microsoft Word, the two dashes change to what is called an em dash.

Are quotation marks used when typing lyrics to songs?

It will depend on the style manual being followed. In most cases they are indented and written like a poem.

What was used in 1977 to write a school essay?

AnswerPencil and paper if that's what you mean.Old fashioned research in person in the library, followed up with typing the paper out on a typewriter.

What is 1 followed by 1 duotrigintillion zeros?

Till anyone has figured a name for it, it will be called "infinity"...together with infinite other numbers that you can't ever complete typing

What is the second character of cardserver?

The letter "A." A "character" in a word or a sentence is a letter, a space, a hyphen, period, comma, apostrophe, any kind of punctuation, etc. It's essentially anything that would take up a space when you're typing.

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Putting the konami code on Facebook, followed by Enter and right click enables alens flare effect when clicking, typing or scrolling.

A young girl requires a liver transplant due to failure of her liver to function What is required for her to have a good prognosis and why?

ABO and Rh typing must be performed, followed by MHC typing. Following surgery, she must receive immunosuppressive therapy to keep her body from rejecting the new liver as foreign tissue.

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Difference between typing and non typing keys

What is a typing test?

A typing test is one taken to know typing skill level, speed, and accuracy.

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what are the advantage and disadvantage of typing what is online typing tutorails