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Q: When you are multiplying a decimal with 10 does the decimal point move left or right?
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What are the roles of transferring the decimal point to the right or to the left?

Multiplying or dividing by ten.

What is it called when you move a decimal point to the right?

When you move a decimal point to the right you are multiplying a number by 10. For example, take 3.4. If you move the decimal point to the right you get 34. This is the same as: 3.4x10 = 34. Reversing this, you are dividing by 10 by moving the decimal point to the left. For example, take 73. If you move the decimal point to the right you get 7.3. This is the same as: 73/10 = 7.3. If you move a decimal point 2 spaces to the right, you are multiplying by 100, or more generally if you move the decimal point n spaces to the right, you are multiplying by 10^n.

Which way do you move the decimal point when multiplying?


Which pattern describe how the decimal point moves when you multiply a decimal number by any power of ten?

Multiplying a real number by a positive power of ten moves the decimal point that number (the exponent) of places to the right. Multiplying by a negative power of ten moves it to the left. For example, the -3 power of 10 is 1/1000; multiplying by that moves the decimal point 3 places to the left.

When multiplying do you move the decimal to the left or right?

to the right to right to the right to the right not to the left to left to left lol have an awesome life

When do you move the decimal places to the right?

When you are multiplying a number by 10, you move the decimal point one place to the right. If you are multiplyingby 1,000, you move it 3 places to the right.You move the decimal point to the left when you are dividing by a multiple of 10.

Why does moving the decimal point in the divisor and the dividend when dividing by a decimal work?

Moving the decimal point one place to the right is the same as multiplying both, he numerator and the denominator by 10. That is, you are effectively multiplying by 10/10 which equals 1. And since multiplication by 1 does not change the result, it is OK to do that. Similarly, moving two palces to the right is multiplying by 100/100. Similarly moving left.

Why does multiplying numbers by 10 move the decimal point to the right?

Because that is how the decimal system is defined: the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. Multiplication by 10 is equivalent to moving each digit to the its left or, equivalently, moving the decimal point to the right.

How is the way the decimal point moves when you divide a decimal number by a power of ten the same as when you multiply?

It is not. For positive powers of ten, the decimal point moves to the right when multiplying and to the left when dividing. For negative powers of ten the point moves in the opposite directions.

How did you know if the decimal point is going to left or right?

It you are multiplying by a number greater than one (or, equivalently, dividing by a number less than one) then the decimal would either stay put or move to the right.

How is the way the decimal point moves when you divide a number by a power of ten the same as when you multiply?

It is not. For positive powers of ten, the decimal point moves to the right when multiplying and to the left when dividing. For negative powers of ten the point moves in the opposite directions.

Why does multiply numbers by 10move the decimal point to the right but multiplying by zero point Tian move the decimal point to the left?

It is because 0.10 = 1/10 and so multiplication by 0.10 is the same as division by 10, the opposite of multiplication by 10.