To change .01 into a fraction, we can first write it as a decimal. .01 is the same as 0.01. We then need to convert this decimal into a fraction. To do this, we can use the method for converting any decimal into a fraction. First, we need to multiply 0.01 by 100 to get rid of the decimal point. 100 x 0.01 = 1. Now that we have a whole number and a decimal, we can convert this into a fraction. To do this, we need to place the whole number (1) over the number of decimal places (2). This gives us the fraction 1/100. Therefore, 0.01 can be written as the fraction 1/100.
Convert the ratio to fraction first, then convert the fraction to decimal. Example: ratio = 3 : 4 3 : 4 = 3/4 = 0.75
you can change a fraction to a decimal by dividing the bottom number into the top number.
there is no such thing as fraction as a decimalthere is no such thing as fraction as a decimal
decimal fraction of 103.7 = 1037/10
a decimal fraction means a fraction that changes into a decimal or a decimal that changes into a farction
To change .01 into a fraction, we can first write it as a decimal. .01 is the same as 0.01. We then need to convert this decimal into a fraction. To do this, we can use the method for converting any decimal into a fraction. First, we need to multiply 0.01 by 100 to get rid of the decimal point. 100 x 0.01 = 1. Now that we have a whole number and a decimal, we can convert this into a fraction. To do this, we need to place the whole number (1) over the number of decimal places (2). This gives us the fraction 1/100. Therefore, 0.01 can be written as the fraction 1/100.
900 percent can be written as a fraction by converting it to a decimal first. 900 percent is equal to 9.00 as a decimal. To convert this decimal to a fraction, we can write it as 9/1, or simply as the whole number 9.
To express 66.67 percent as a fraction, you first convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing by 100. So, 66.67% is equal to 0.6667 as a decimal. To convert this decimal to a fraction, you can write it as 6667/10000 and simplify if possible. Therefore, 66.67% as a fraction is 6667/10000.
4.1 in fraction form is 41/100. First, move the decimal spot one over to the right. Then, place the number over 100. You then have a fraction of the decimal.
0.21 is a decimal fraction.
0.4 as a fraction and decimal
To find 87.5% of a fraction or mixed number, you first convert the fraction or mixed number into a whole number with or without a decimal (ex. 3/4=.75; 1 3/8=1.375). Next, you take 87.5% and convert it into a decimal (for multiplication. To do this, you simply move the decimal point (.) two paces to the left (87.5=.875) and the opposite when converting a decimal to a percent. Next, you multiply .875 by whatever the converted fraction or mixed number came out as. Now you have your answer. Hope this helps.
823 is a proper fraction since it has no decimal.
you multiple it first then you add it after that you got the answer
You mean fraction. Fractor isn't a word at all. To convert a repeating decimal to a fraction, first multiply the decimal by 100. Ignore the digits on the right side of the decimal point and keep the number that is on the left side of the decimal point. Divide this number by 99 and simplify if necessary to get the fraction.
The decimal 2.14560 can be simplified to the fraction 42912/20000 by removing the decimal point and reducing the fraction to its simplest form. The fraction is equivalent to 10728/5000 when further simplified. The decimal 2.1456 is equivalent to the fraction 2682/1250 when simplified. The fractions are not the same due to the additional zero in the first decimal number.