Well, isn't that just a happy little question! Let's take a closer look at these decimals. When comparing 0.041 and 0.14, remember that the more digits a decimal has to the left, the smaller it is. So, in this case, 0.14 is bigger than 0.041. Just like painting, it's all about paying attention to the little details!
Suppose you have two decimal numbers, A and B. If A - B > 0 then A is the bigger decimal, if A - B < 0 then B is the bigger decimal and if A - B = 0, neither is bigger.
Repeating decimal. * * * * * It depends on the numbers! For example, 0.6 < 0.66... < 0.67 By the first inequality the repeatiing decimal is bigger, by the second the terminating one is bigger.
0.61 is bigger.
It is: 0.543 which is the larger decimal
Subtract the smaller one from the bigger one, and then put a minus sign before the answer.
0.02 is the biggest number.
41% is equal to 0.41 in decimal.
0041 = forty-one
1.4%Solution Method:?% of 2000 is 28?% * 2000 = 28?% = 28 / 2000?% = .014
14 mm can be written as a decimal by putting it in term of meters. .014 m is the same as 14mm.
Suppose you have two decimal numbers, A and B. If A - B > 0 then A is the bigger decimal, if A - B < 0 then B is the bigger decimal and if A - B = 0, neither is bigger.
a bigger decimal
53.125 is bigger than 52.916666.
Repeating decimal. * * * * * It depends on the numbers! For example, 0.6 < 0.66... < 0.67 By the first inequality the repeatiing decimal is bigger, by the second the terminating one is bigger.
0.61 is bigger.