1.0 if the same number is permitted. If not, there is no such thing as a CLOSEST decimal. If you are given one decimal with the claim of being the closest, the average of that number and 1 will be a decimal that is closer.
Without averaging, the closest would be 0.999 with infinite 9s
Most people will probably go for 1. But the answer depends on how comfortable you are with numbers.
The only decimal value that is closest to 4.75 is is 4.749̅ [9̅ represents the repeated digit value for the term.]
The only possible answer is 0.75 since for any other decimal number, there are infinitely many decimal numbers which are closer.
1-sixth in decimal form = 0.01671/6:= 1 ÷ 6= 0.0167 in decimal
1 sixth as a decimal is 1/6 or 0.166667.
To which decimal place? Closest Integer: 0 Closest Tenth: .1 Closest Hundreth: .10
No - 0.8 is a decimal number, not an integer. The closest integer is 1.
1/9 as a decimal is .11 which rounds to zero
Most people will probably go for 1. But the answer depends on how comfortable you are with numbers.
The only decimal value that is closest to 4.75 is is 4.749̅ [9̅ represents the repeated digit value for the term.]
At three decimal places it is closest to 1.150 and no other number.
Real numbers include fractional and decimal numbers. So the closest-to-zero positive real number would be 0.00000000...001; that is, an an infinite number of zeros between the decimal and the 1.
3.5,3.0 and others
247/1000 would be exact. A close answer would be 1/4, which equals 0.25.