53 is a prime number between 48 and 58
53 is the only prime number between 48 and 58.
My prime factors are 2 3 and 5 and I am a number between 58 and 68 .What number am I? The answer defenitly isn't replacing the question but with "i's" instead...idiot.
The greatest prime number between 1 and 30 is 29. 58 has 29 as a factor.
Oh, dude, multiples of 4 are like 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56. And like, the factors of 7 between 48 and 58 are 49 and 56. So, there you have it, my friend.
53 is a prime number between 48 and 58
53 is the only prime number between 48 and 58.
All of the other numbers in that range have more than two factors.
The prime numbers are 53 and 59. Add them and you get 112.
It is: 53
My prime factors are 2 3 and 5 and I am a number between 58 and 68 .What number am I? The answer defenitly isn't replacing the question but with "i's" instead...idiot.
41 43 47 53.
2 and 29 are the prime factors of 58.
The greatest prime number between 1 and 30 is 29. 58 has 29 as a factor.