Convert to equivalent fractions with a common denominator and compare numerators:
57/100 = (57×9)/(100×9) = 513/900
5/9 = (5×100)/(9×100) = 500/900
513 > 500
→ 513/900 > 500/900
→ 57/100 > 5/9
Alternatively convert to decimals:
57/100 = 57 ÷ 100 = 0.57
5/9 = 5 ÷ 9 = 0.555....
0.57 > 0.555...
→ 57/100 > 5/9
100 times greater.
-5/9 is greater.
4/5 is greater than 7/10
2 over 5 is less than 4 over 5. Since the denominators are equal, you need only to compare the numerators to determine which one is greater.
1 over 5 (1/5) = 2 over 10 (2/10) = 20 over 100 (20/100) =
58/100 is 7.2% less than 5/8. 5/8 is 7.8% greater than 58/100.
5/5 is exactly the same as ' 1 '. 99/100 is less than ' 1 '.
4/5 is the same as 80/100 and 0.9 is the same as 90/100. So 0.9 is greater than 4/5.
57/5 is in its simplest form.
57% of 5 in fraction form is 285/100
2/5 plus 1/3 plus 5/6 is equal to 1.57 or 1 57/100
5 feet = 60 inches therefore its 5 feet
5.57 = 5 + 0.57 0.57 means 57/100 So the answer is: 5 + 57/100 (proper fraction) 5 is the same as 500/100 So the answer also is: 557/100 (improper fraction_
5/8 is greater.
No, that's 3/5