5%; calculated by (100/1000)/2.
You did something wrong in your calculation or you have some impurity. You never get 100% yield.
Go find out.Or:(calculated value) - (actual value)---------------------------------------- * 100(%) = percentage of error(actual value)(if the top value is negative, just switch the two or multiply by -1)
Minimum payments are a percentage of your current balance. As your balance lowers, so does your minimum payment amount. For a specific equation on how the minimum payment is calculated, contact Amex directly.
my cgpa is also 9.4 but when i calculated in % it is 88% but when i asked others they said that 9.4 cgpa=89% n whereas in net when i searched it was 89.something ie after rounding off it'll be 90%
excise tax
Any percentage of temperature should be calculated in Kelvin.
what are answers
Excise tax
Surplus or deficit as a percentage of GDP can be calculated by using deficit/GDP multiplied by 100, where deficit is calculated by subtracting expenses from sources.
Can't be calculated.
Commission percentage can be calculated as follows: commission percentage = 120/2400 *100 = 5%
For example, If you score is 8, your percentage comes out to be 8x9.5 = 76% Do note, the calculated percentage is indicative or approximate
OPS stands for 'on base percentage plus slugging percentage' and is equal to (on base percentage + slugging percentage). If a player's on base percentage is .350 and slugging percentage is .500, the OPS is .850.
The same way that anyone else's support is calculated - as a percentage of net income.
Gross Margin % which is calculated as Gross Margin / Sales