The closest estimate is the exact answer. For any other estimate, you can do better with more effort.
150*83 = approx 100*3/2*82 = 100*3*41 = 100*3*40 = 12000.
The closest estimate is the exact answer. For any other estimate, you can always get closer.
The answer would be 70. It would be seventy because estimate 2,130 divided by 33 is closest to 2,100 and 30 7 times 3= 21 so to get thusand 30 times 70
Estimate: 60+90 = 150 Actual: 61.4+88.3 = 149.7
The answer will depend on what you wish to do with the estimates. In most cases 270 and 150 will be satisfactory.
150% of 83 = 150% * 83 = 1.5 * 83 = 124.5
The closest estimate is the exact answer. For any other estimate, you can always get closer.
A reasonable estimate for 83*69 is 80*70 = 5600.The true figure, for comparison, is 5727.
The cube root of -83 is -4.36207 (rounded). The number that is closest to this figure on that list that you have but refuse to share is the correct choice.
150 degrees Fahrenheit is closest to 65.6 degrees Celsius when converted.
The closest estimate is, of course, the exact value.
The closest estimate is the exact answer: you cannot get closer than that!
It is 60 as a close estimate
Divide 83 into 120
100 - 83 = 17 17/100 x 150 = 25.5 missed with rounding you could miss 25 or 26