Any two prime numbers have a greatest common factor of 1.
Examples: The GCF of 5 and 19 is 1. The GCF of 3 and 7 is 1. The GCF of 23 and 29 is 1.
A Prime number and any other number that is not a multiple of it have a greatest common factor of 1.
Examples: The GCF of 2 and 9 is 1. The GCF of 7 and 16 is 1. The GCF of 13 and 60 is 1. Other pairs of numbers without any prime factors in common also have a greatest common factor of 1.
Examples: The GCF of 4 and 9 is 1. The GCF of 21 and 25 is 1. The GCF of 72 and 77 is 1.
A single number does not have a common factor. Common factors are factors that two or more numbers have in common. The greatest common factor of a pair of numbers over 50 could be any number, depending on the pair of numbers. The greatest common factor of 51 and 100 is 1. The greatest common factor of 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, and 56 is 1. The greatest common factor of 52 and 100 is 2. The greatest common factor of 57 and 102 is 3.
The pair of numbers that have a greatest common factor of 2 are any two even numbers. This is because the greatest common factor of two numbers is the largest number that divides both numbers evenly. Since 2 is the only even prime number, any two even numbers will have 2 as a common factor.
6 and 12
thee answer is 7 and 14
The greatest common factor of 54 and 99 is 9, which is not prime. The greatest common factor of 80 and 114 is 2, which is prime.
That happens when one of the numbers is a factor of the other.
A prime number
Any pair of prime numbers
There is no Greatest Common Factor (GCF) for a single number. The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) is the largest factor common to two or more given numbers.
A single number does not have a common factor. Common factors are factors that two or more numbers have in common. The greatest common factor of a pair of numbers over 50 could be any number, depending on the pair of numbers. The greatest common factor of 51 and 100 is 1. The greatest common factor of 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, and 56 is 1. The greatest common factor of 52 and 100 is 2. The greatest common factor of 57 and 102 is 3.
15 and 30
How about: 14 and 21
6 and 12
The pair of numbers that have a greatest common factor of 2 are any two even numbers. This is because the greatest common factor of two numbers is the largest number that divides both numbers evenly. Since 2 is the only even prime number, any two even numbers will have 2 as a common factor.
No, the greatest common factor is never greater than the smallest number. The greatest common factor is the largest integer that divides evenly into all of the numbers listed.
15 and 30 is just one pair of number that has a greatest common factor of 15