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Counting Numbers, Whole Numbers. You can't use Integers as that includes Negative numbers and there isn't a negative number of dolphins.

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Q: Which set of numbers would answer how many dolphins in the ocean?
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How many dolphins are left in the ocean?

there are about 500 dolphins left in the ocean

How many dolphins live in California?

170,243,000 dolphins live in this world.Also there are 32 different species dolphins living in the Atlantic Ocean Atlantic There are 32 different species of dolphins in the Atlantic Ocean - See more at: There are 32 different species of dolphins in the Atlantic Ocean - See more at: There are 32 different species of dolphins in the Atlantic Ocean - See more at:

How many dolphins are in the ocean?

170,243,000 dolphins live in this world

Where do dolphins live in the wold?

Dolphins are in every ocean in the world and there are many species.

What country do bottlenose dolphins live in?

many oceans but most dolphins live near the pacifique ocean.

What type of ocean landscape do dolphins live in?

There are many species of dolphins and they live in many areas. Some are in tropical, temperate, and arctic areas.

How do you meet dolphins on endless ocean?

I would recommend looking for dolphins in the Atlantic Ocean right off of Virginia Beach, Virginia. We have seen many dolphins from our boat . If you would like to see some pictures of them put Dolphins Virginia Beach in your search engine. You first have to make sure that you don't have your original partner with you. Then find a place where there are dolphins (I recomend the ancient ruins or near Rock Bluff) then pet them, feed them, and try out your whistle. They may not always like you.

How many dolphins are there at SeaWorld?

there are 22 dolphins at sea world :)

Why is there so many bottles in the middle of the pacific ocean?

Dolphins are heavy drinkers.

What have dolphins been trained to do?

Dolphins have been trained many things, but in the wild out in the ocean theres no one out there to train them, so yes dolphins are trained and naturaly nice.

Where can you find dolphins?

You can find dolphins in many oceans around the world. But the only exact place I know is in the Bahamas. But you will also see them in the ocean, zoo, etc.

In what sea do dolphins live in?

Dolphins live in every ocean in the world. Some are better suited for colder ocean water than others, but they can live everywhere.