I don't know if it's the smallest, but 94,143,178,827 has 24 factors.
How about: 105
The smallest odd number is 1.
A composite number is a number with more than 2 positive integer factors. The smallest such odd number is 9.
3 is the smallest odd prime number.
It is 91125.
How about: 105
The smallest odd number is 1.
A composite number is a number with more than 2 positive integer factors. The smallest such odd number is 9.
Square numbers have an odd number of factors. All others are even.
1 is the Natural number which is the smallest Odd number.
It's the smallest positive odd number.
Any prime number - by definition such numbers are divisible by 1 and the number itself. As a matter of fact, only perfect squares can have an odd number of factors.
3 is the smallest odd prime number.
The smallest odd positive number is 1 (one).