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Nitrogen and oxygen make up the largest percentage of the atmosphere.

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Q: Which two gases make up the largest percentage of the atmosphere?
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What gases make up the largest percent of Earth's atmosphere?

Nitrogen (about 78%) and oxygen (about 21%) make up the largest percentage of Earth's atmosphere.

What is the percentage of inert gases in atmosphere?

Inert gases, such as argon, helium, and neon, make up about 1% of Earth's atmosphere. Argon is the most abundant inert gas, comprising about 0.93% of the atmosphere.

What elements and their percentage make up the earth atmosphere?

The Earth's atmosphere is primarily composed of nitrogen (about 78%) and oxygen (about 21%). Other gases like argon, carbon dioxide, and trace gases make up the remaining percentage in smaller proportions.

The gases in your atmosphere aside from the oxygen and nitrogen make up about what percentage of air?

The gases in the Earth's atmosphere aside from oxygen and nitrogen make up about 1% of air. This includes gases such as argon, carbon dioxide, and neon.

What percentage is CFC in the atmosphere?

CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) currently make up less than 1% of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere.

What are the 4 main gasses in the atmosphere and the percentage of each?

The four main gases in Earth's atmosphere are nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), argon (0.9%), and carbon dioxide (0.04%). These gases make up the majority of the atmosphere and are essential for supporting life on Earth.

What percentage of our atmosphere is made up of grennhouse gases?

Greenhouse gases make up about 1% of Earth's atmosphere. The most prevalent greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor. While the overall percentage is small, these gases have a significant impact on the planet's climate by trapping heat and contributing to global warming.

What is the percentage of air in earth's atmosphere?

The Earth's atmosphere is composed of about 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and trace amounts of other gases such as argon, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. Collectively, these gases make up about 99.96% of the atmosphere, with the remaining 0.04% consisting of various other gases.

What is the total percentage of volume in the atmosphere?

100%. However, I think you misunderstand. Every has in the atmosphere forms a percentage of the total gas in the atmosphere. The percetnages are ;- Nitrogen ; 79 % Oxygen ; 20% Other gases ; 1% The other gases include, Water vapour, Carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, methane, the noble (inert) gases ; (Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Radon). #All these gases make up only 1% of the atmosphere, so individually they are in very small proportions.

What gas make up most of Earth's atmosphere?

Nitrogen answered by 4th grader

What gas make up the largest percentage of the atmosphere?

Nitrogen Gas makes up about 80% of Earths atmosphere with Oxygen making up most of the rest (20%).

What gases make up the greatest percentage of earths atmosphere?

Nitrogen is the most abundant gas in Earth's atmosphere, making up about 78%. Oxygen is the second most abundant, at around 21%. The remaining 1% consists of trace gases such as argon, carbon dioxide, and others.