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greek numbers

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Q: Who is the greek mathematician who introduce the prime numbers?
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Related questions

Who found prime numbers?

ancient Greek mathematician name not mentioned

Who is the man who first defined primes in 300 BC?

The first man to define prime numbers in 300 BC. was a Greek mathematician named Euclid.

What mathematician proved that there are infintely many prime numbers?


Is there an infinite amount of prime and composite numbers?

Yes, there is an infinite amount of prime numbers. This has been proven by the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid. As for composite numbers, since there are infinitely many natural numbers, there must also be an infinite amount of composite numbers, as they are all the natural numbers that are not prime.

When were prime numbers first discovered?

They were known to the early Greeks. The Pythagoreans referred to primes around 400BC. The Greek mathematician, Euclid talked about prime numbers in his work entitled "Elements". This was 300BC. I don't think they were recognised earlier by the Babylonians.

Who invented prime number?

prime numbers are invented by srinivasan ramanujan, an Indian mathematician.

Who was euclid and why was he interested in how many prime numbers exist?

Euclid was a Greek mathematician, and is called the father of geometry. A prime number is any number that can only be divided by itself and one. There are an infinite number of prime numbers. As a mathematician Euclid was interested the pursuit of knowledge for knowledge's sake and in proving that things could be quantified (how many, how much). In the case of primes the answer of "there are an infinitely large number of primes" was not available to him as the Greeks did not have the concept of "infinite".

What is the definition of the sieve of Eratosthenes in mathematics?

The mathematical term "sieve of Eratosthenes" is defined as a simple algorithm for finding all prime numbers up to a given limit. It is named after a famous Greek mathematician of the same name.

Which mathematician best known for his work in geometry discovery that there is an infinite number of prime numbers?

Leonhard Euler

Who was the mathematician who suggested a simple method for finding the prime numbers up to a given natural number?

The method of sieving the multiples of prime numbers until only the prime numbers remain, while attributed to Eratosthenes, is originally thought to have been the work of Nicomachus.

How was the Mathematician who found a very simple method for finding the prime and composite numbers in the third century BC?


Who first studied prime numbers?

ancient greek mathematicians