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King George II

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Q: Who or what did common sense name as the greatest enemy to American liberty?
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How do you make an enemy hit in game maker 7?

Simple. First, make a sprite of the enemy hit. Make sure you have lives for the character you control. If not, go to score, lives, and click set lives. You can do the same with health. Then make another object that's ONLY for the enemy attacking, not the enemy itself. Remember, the enemy has to be an object too. For the enemy itself, click collision. Then select the object you want it to hit. Now make the action. Go to main1, Change Instance. It applies to itself, of course. Make the enemy turn into the enemy attacking object. Go to the enemy attacking's object and then create an Event. Click Other and then Animation End. As for the actions, you can make a sound. Then for the character it's hitting, go to the characters object, create a collision event between the enemy attacking and the character, and set it's lives one life less than what they had to begin with. Your done!

When were numbers discovered?

In prehistoric times. Quite possibly be a primitive humanoid trying to figure out if his "tribe" had more members than the enemy.

How do you make a health bar on game maker 8?

Create an object without a sprite and add a draw event. then add a draw health action (in score tab) and add the coordinates and colors you desire. (x1,y1) is the top left corner and (x2,y2) is the bottom right corner.example: (x1:16, y1:16; x2:160, y2:32) will add a 16hx160w health bar near the top left corner. And you can mess around with it to put it anywhere on the screen and make it any size you want. but it will always be a rectangle using the top left corner (x1,y1) and the right bottom corner (x2,y2).Then go to the object you want to put the health on and add a collision event with the object that will affect its health and add a set score action (score tab) to it and add the amount of health you want to add or loose for that object when it collides with a bullet etc.example: for an enemy to loose 5/100 of its health when hit by a bullet add a collision event with a bullet to the enemy object and add a set score action (score tab) and put -5 (Relative) in the windowor a collision event with your character and a power up. put +10 or whatever in the collision on it.

How many warriors or archers would it take to take out 12k archer towers?

There is no real 'minimum', archer towers are among the hardest things to kill behind rams and pults due to the way combat works. Use max amount of archers, highest atk hero, and put 1-100 (depending on enemy troop count) of every other thing except scouts as a 'shield' The more things the towers need to waste a turn shooting between you and your archers the better. If your attack is under 100 there's usually no way to beat 12k+ on the first try. Build more archers so the second group will punch through. Alternatively send 300k warriors first and THEN the main group.

Related questions

Who or what was the greatest enemy of American liberty?

The king

Who or what the greatest enemy of American Liberty according to Thomas Paine?

The king

According to thomas paine who or what was the greatest enemy of american liberty?

Nova Net answer: The king

Whom or what did common sense as the greatest enemy to American liberty?

King George lll

Who did Common Sense name as the greatest enemy to American liberty?

King George III. At the time, he was the King of England, and all the acts of oppression from Britain on the American colonies seemed to come from him.

Whom or what did Common Sense name as the greatest enemy to American liberty?

King George III. At the time, he was the King of England, and all the acts of oppression from Britain on the American colonies seemed to come from him.

What is a American Toad's enemy?

The American Toad Has Many Enemies,How Do I Know This You Ask . . . ? I Own One. The Greatest Enemy Of The American Toad Is MAN! Cats, Dogs, Storks, and many others threaten the life of the American toad.

Who was the common enemy of France and 13 American colonies?

Great Britain

Who was Cupids enemy?

That would be me. I am the greatest enemy of love. >:D

Who was Poseidon's enemy?

Poseidon's greatest enemy was his father, Cronus.

Is enemy a common noun?

Yes, the word 'enemy' is a common noun, a word for an enemy of anyone or anything.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, thing, or a title; fore example:Public Enemy, American hip hop groupEnemy Creek, SDThe Enemy Tattoo, Everett, WA"Public Enemy", 1931 movie with James Cagney, Jean Harlow

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