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A Prime number has two factors, 1 and itself. 1 is not considered a prime number as its factors are 1. Following the rule for primes, you could say that its factors are 1 and 1, but 1 and 1 are obviously the same number.

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I think it is prime. but try this online calculator to understand a number is prime or not: prime-calculator dot com. It has lots of other abilities. enjoy it.

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I think it's prime. But whenever you wanted to know a number is prime or composite, use this site. It must be usefull:prime-calculator dot com

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I think it is prime. Whenever you wanted to know a number is prime or composite, use this site. It must be usefull: prime-calculator dot com. It has lots of other abilities. Enjoy it.

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I think there just called numbers quote the words i think