Prime numbers have two and only two divisors. The number 1 only has one.
an infinate amount. as numbers excell to infinity (and beyond ;) ) which is an inexplicable number, it would be simply impossible to count how many prime numbers emd in a 1
No; 1 is not a prime number. The lowest prime number is 2.
No - as 1 is not a prime number.
0 and 1 is not prime number because the prime number can only be divided by the number 1 and itself.
Look at the definition of a prime number. A prime number has no factors, other than 1, or itself.Look at the definition of a prime number. A prime number has no factors, other than 1, or itself.Look at the definition of a prime number. A prime number has no factors, other than 1, or itself.Look at the definition of a prime number. A prime number has no factors, other than 1, or itself.
2 is prime 1 is not as a prime number is divisible by one and itself but as one is itself and one it doesn't count
2 is a prime number...just like 3,5, 7 etc. It is 1 which is not a prime number.
The number two is the first prime number, factors are 1 and itself. One doesn't count.
Well it depends if you count 1 as a prime number. Most people don't and so the forth would be: 2, 3, 5,... 7. If you do count 1 as a prime number then it would be 5. A prime number is divisible only by itself and by 1. Wikipedia lists the first 25.
Because a prime number is a number that can only be divisible by two numbers: itself and one. The number 1 can be divisible by 1 and itself which is 1. 1 and 1 count as one number (hope this makes sense) therefore making it not a prime.
Yes, and it is the only even prime number.
//Program to check number is prime or not using recursive function #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> void prime(int num,int count) { if(count<num) { if(num%count==0) { printf("%d is not Prime Number\n",num); goto exit; } count += 1; if(count<num) { prime(num,count); } } if(num==count) { printf("%d is a Prime Number\n",num); } exit: return 0; } int main() { system("cls"); int gvar; printf("Enter the number = "); scanf("%d",&gvar); prime(gvar,2); printf("\\n"); system("PAUSE"); return 0; } I think this can be another solution #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int prime(int); main() { int i=1,r; clrscr(); r=prime(i); if(r==1) printf("\n\n\tNo is prime "); getch(); } int prime(int i) { int n=1,ans,flag=1; i++; ans=n%i; if(ans==0) { printf("\t\t\n\nNo is not prime"); flag=0; return flag; } if((i!=n-1)&&(n!=1)) flag=prime(i); return flag; }
Every positive integer greater than 1 can be expressed as the product of a unique set of prime factors. The count of these factors is the prime factors number for the number.
Answer: one Answer: two. In the past, one used to be considered a prime number, but currently most mathematicians don't count it as a prime number.
an infinate amount. as numbers excell to infinity (and beyond ;) ) which is an inexplicable number, it would be simply impossible to count how many prime numbers emd in a 1
No, a prime number is only divisible by itself and one. And since one doesn't count as a prime number, no.
Just one. Or, two if you count (1, p) and (p, 1) as being different.