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When rounding to a specific place, take a look at the digit immediately to the right of the target, in this case, the thousandths place. If that digit is 4 or less, zero everything to the right of the target out. If that digit is 5 through 9, increase the target by one and zero everything to the right of it out. If the target is a 9, increasing it will turn it to zero and increase the digit to the left of the target by one.

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8y ago
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8y ago

Because the numbers, to te nearest hundredths, on either side of 1.999 are 1.99 and 2.00

The difference between 1.999 an 1.99 is 1.999-1.99 = 0.009
The difference between 1.999 an 2.00 is 2.00-1.999 = 0.001

Since the second number is smaller, the nearest hundredths is 2.00.

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