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Imagine if you have two apples and you take and eat half them, which is just one apple, then you are left with one apple.

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Q: Why is 1 2 half of 2 equals one whole?
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1 whole

Explain why 1 2 of 2 equals one whole?

1/2 of 2 equals one whole because when you split 2 in half, you get 1.

Why does 1 half of 2 equals one whole?

You're an idiot

What two fractions equal 2 whole?

1 half plus 1 half equals a whole

How one-half equals the whole?

You take one-half and find his brother who is also one-half, and BAM you've got yourself a whole, aka 1.but really i have no idea what your talking about.==============================================one-half of zero is still zero.

What equals 2 half hours?

1 whole hour.

What is the one half of one whole?

One half of a whole, which is 1 x (1/2) which is 1/2

How does one plus one plus one equal one?

1 plus 1 equals one when you put two smaller things together which are both halves and they equal 1 whole when you put them together in a whole that is the size of both of the halves together for example if you put 1 half of a sandbox and another half of a sandbox together they make a whole sandbox that is totally full.

What is one Half multiplied by one?

One half multiplied by one is equal to one half. This is because when you multiply a fraction by a whole number, you simply multiply the numerator of the fraction by the whole number while keeping the denominator the same. In this case, 1/2 multiplied by 1 equals 1/2.

What fraction of one half is one half?

One half is a whole of one half. 1:1.

What is one half divide by one half?

It is: 1/2 divided by 1/2 = 1

How many halves are there in?

One half is 1 of 2 parts of ANYTHING. So there are 2 halves in everything, always 2 because that is what half means. Half of anything is always equal to the other half, it doesn't matter if it is the whole universe, or an orange, or an atom. One half plus the other half equals one whole.