87 is NOT a Prime number. It has factors 3 and 29 aside from 1 and itself.
87 is not a prime number because 87 is divisible by 3 and 29.
Well, 59 is a prime number but87 is not a prime number!87 can be divided by more then 1 and itself, (87/3=29)59 cant.So that makes 59 a prime number and 87 is not a prime number!
Sum of the digits of 87 = 8+7 =15(a multiple of 3) which means that 87 is divisible by 3. Therefore, 87 is not a prime number as it has more than two factors which are 1, 87, 3 etc. In order to prove that a given number is prime we shall show that the given number has more than two factors. There is no need to find all the factors.
87 = 3 x 29
87 is composite. It can be divided by 1 and 87 and 3 and 29.87 is not a Prime number as it can be divided by 3 and 29
87 is NOT a prime number.
87 is not a prime number because 87 is divisible by 3 and 29.
Well, 59 is a prime number but87 is not a prime number!87 can be divided by more then 1 and itself, (87/3=29)59 cant.So that makes 59 a prime number and 87 is not a prime number!
No, the number 87 is composite.
87 is composite.
No. 87 / 3 = 29, so it can't be prime.
87 is composite.
53, yes. 87, no.
How about: 3*29 = 87
Sum of the digits of 87 = 8+7 =15(a multiple of 3) which means that 87 is divisible by 3. Therefore, 87 is not a prime number as it has more than two factors which are 1, 87, 3 etc. In order to prove that a given number is prime we shall show that the given number has more than two factors. There is no need to find all the factors.
It is a composite number.