An improper fraction has a numerator greater than the denominator. When the numerator and denominator are equal, that's called "1."
The bottom of the fraction is the denominator.
Proper fraction - A proper fraction is a fraction where the numerator (the top number) is less that the denominator (the bottom number). Proportion - An equation stating that two ratios are equivalent is called a proportion.
An improper fraction has a numerator greater than the denominator. When the numerator and denominator are equal, that's called "1."
The top is called the numerator. The bottom is the denominator
It is called rationalisation [of the denominator].
A Denominator. no problemo...The denominator.
It is called rationalising the denominator.
Rationalising the denominator.
Like Fractions
It's the biggest number of them all
The least common denominator.
Top part: numerator.Bottom part: denominator.
Common denominator
An improper fraction has a numerator greater than the denominator. When the numerator and denominator are equal, that's called "1."
The bottom of the fraction is the denominator.
Probably because they they were Greek words