8 and 16, among others.8 and 16 have a GCF of 8.8 and 16 have a GCF of 8. So do many other pairs.8 and 16, among others.16 and 248 and 16.8 and 16, among many others.
Well, honey, the highest common factor of 21, 42, and 84 is 21. It's like finding the biggest slice of cake you can share among those three numbers - and in this case, 21 is the winner. So, there you have it, the sassy math answer you never knew you needed.
the LCD of fractions is the least common multiple. So we are looking for the least common multiple of 16 and 20 which is 20. So the Least common denominator is 80
The common multiples of 10 and 16 are 80, 160, 240 and so on.
The common multiples of 9 and 11 are 99, 198, 297 and so on.
This system required no cash investment
Sharecropping was common among poor farmers because they lacked the resources to own land and equipment needed for large-scale farming. Landowners provided them with land, seeds, and tools in exchange for a share of the crops produced. This system perpetuated a cycle of debt and poverty for many sharecroppers.
Singa'pore' is alredy poor, then why to make it poor again. So poor.
Standard & Poor's rating services
He fought for poor & common people . so that he was killed
Because they didnt have the money to buy medicines or to see Doctors.
Cataracts in the elderly are so common that they are thought to be a normal part of the aging process.
No because most of the poor are illiterate so they will be technology challenged, they will need training to have knowledge of using this ICTs
No because most of the poor are illiterate so they will be technology challenged, they will need training to have knowledge of using this ICTs
No because most of the poor are illiterate so they will be technology challenged, they will need training to have knowledge of using this ICTs
No because most of the poor are illiterate so they will be technology challenged, they will need training to have knowledge of using this ICTs
No because most of the poor are illiterate so they will be technology challenged, they will need training to have knowledge of using this ICTs