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impure products or inaccurate calculations is usually the reason

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Q: Why would your percent yield be higher than 100 percent?
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What sources of experimental error lead to a percent yield higher than 100 percent?

The reaction may have not been complete yet, therefore resulting in a higher percent yield than 100%

Why percent yield is more than 100?

Percent yield greater than 100% can occur due to impurities in the final product, incomplete reactions, or errors in the measurements taken during the experiment. It is a sign that not all of the reactants were converted to the desired product, leading to a higher yield than theoretically expected.

Typical commission for IT Hardware sales?

The typical commission for IT hardware sales depend on the cost of hardware sold. Hardware costing below $10,000 will yield 8 percent commission, $10,001 - $20,000 is equivalent to 10 percent commission, and higher than $20,000 will yield 13 percent commission.

Why is it impossible to have higher than 100 percent yield?

A yield above 100% is physically impossible because it would imply producing more product than theoretically possible based on stoichiometry. The theoretical yield is based on the balanced chemical equation, so exceeding 100% would mean defying the laws of conservation of mass and energy. Any value greater than 100% indicates that either the initial calculations were incorrect or there were errors in the experimental measurements.

Can percent yield be more then 100 percent?

In manufacturing, no. A yield greater than 100% would mean that you put a certain amount of materials into the front end of the assembly line, and you got more operational, salable units off the back end than the materials were intended to comprise. In banking and investing, you have to hope the yield is more than 100% ... that your investment is worth more at the end of the year than it was when you invested it.

Is 0.3 percent higher than 15 percent?

No, it is not.

Which is usually higher the actual yield or the theoreyical yield?

Theoretical yield is typically higher than actual yield because it represents the maximum amount of product that can be obtained in a perfect reaction. Actual yield is the amount of product obtained when the reaction is performed in reality, which may be lower due to factors like incomplete reactions or impurities.

What is the average yield off of one marijuana plant?

Higher than you think

What would 52 percent of 16 by estimate the percent?

Since 50% of 16 is 8 we can estimate that 52 percent of 16 would be slightly higher than 8, or 8.1-8.4.

Why could an actual yield be more than a theoretical yield?

An actual yield can be more than a theoretical yield due to incomplete reaction conversion, impurities in reactants, or unexpected side reactions. These factors can result in more product being formed than predicted by theoretical calculations.

Colemans preferred stock is riskier to investors than its debt yet the yield to investors is lower than the yield to maturity on the debt Does this suggest that you have made a mistake?

Corporate investors own most preferred stock, because 70 percent of preferred dividends received by corporations are nontaxable. Therefore, preferred often has a lower before-tax yield than the before-tax yield on debt issued by the same company. Note, though, that the after-tax yield to a corporate investor and the after-tax cost to the issuer are higher on preferred stock than on debt.

Who has the strongest nuclear weapons in the world?

If by strongest you mean highest yield, I believe this would be Russia. Current treaties allow them higher yield weapons because their ICBMs are somewhat less accurate than US ICBMs.