5 L
It is: 7 litre
3 L
It is 1 litre for practical purposes
Well honey, you can't round a number to a unit of measurement like liters. Liters are for volume, not for rounding numbers. So, 17.35 remains 17.35 whether you like it or not. Math doesn't care about your units, it just does its thing.
Write 2l 700ml to the nearest
if it reads 0.5 litre, then it is half a litre or 500ml
1/4....a litter =1000 ml
50 centiliters
There are 1,000 ml in a litre, therefore 500 ml (not mL) is equal to half a litre.
1 Litre = 1000 ml, 0.5 x 1000 = 500ml 0.5 = 500ml
There are 1000mL in one Litre. Therefore 0.5L = 500mL
It's 500ml of soda, or in other words half litre.
2/ 500 ml bottles equal 1 liter
0.0005m3 500ml is half a litre. There are 1000 litres in 1m3.
both 350ml and 500ml can be nicknamed a 'shoulder' however most commonly 500ml is known as a half litre
There are 1000 millilitres in 1litre and 500ml in half a litre.