Two and fifty-four hundredths.
Seventy-two hundredths written as a decimal is 0.72
2.40 is the decimal equivalent (two and forty hundredths)
Seven and sixty-two hundredths
Two and four hundredths.
The number is written as 0.204.
Two hundredths =
two and twenty four hundredths = 2 24/100 = 2 + 24/100 = 2 + 0.24 = 2.24
Two and fifty-four hundredths.
Seventy-two hundredths written as a decimal is 0.72
One hundred fifty-four and two hundredths is 154.02
Two and five hundredths in decimal form = 2.05
2.40 is the decimal equivalent (two and forty hundredths)
four hundred eighty-two and thirty-six hundredths