To convert 700 meters to kilometers, we need to divide by 1000 (since 1 kilometer is equal to 1000 meters). So, 700 meters is equal to 700/1000 = 7/10 kilometers. To express this as a vulgar fraction in its lowest terms, we can simplify by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 1. Therefore, 7/10 is already in its lowest terms.
It is 7/10.
.45 miles
0.435 miles
700 meters=0.7 kilometers
The formula for finding the perimeter (circumference) of a circle based on its diameter is C = πd. so if the diameter is 700m, you multiply that by π (3.14) for a circumference of 2,198m.
700 meters = 765.529 yards (rounded)
A Dell seven hundred 'm' is nothing more than a laptop. The type of product is a computer or an electronic but either way you look at it 'Dell 700m' is a laptop computer.
According to Forbes, Mac is worth $700M. He was on the Billionaire's list in 2000, but thanks to his worthless investment in the XFL he dropped from the list as his $400M loss took him from $1.1B to $700M.
The Inspiron 700m Notebook weighs 4.1 lbs and has a 12.1" widescreen monitor. It features an external microphone, integrated sound, and 1024 MB of shared DDR SDRAM.
A dell inspiron 700m battery should last for a few years. Most of the time, they die because of hardware problems or spilling. But if they are maintained they will last for a long time.
The life of a Inspiron 700m battery is longer and slower than a regular Dell 500m battery. It simply is stronger than those that people normally use as an everyday battery.