Well, isn't that just a happy little question! One nickel is worth 5 cents, which is 5/100 of a dollar. So, if we write that as a decimal, it would be 0.05. Just a tiny little piece of the dollar, but oh so important in its own way!
Well, honey, 250 is already a whole number, so there's no need to convert it into a decimal. But if you really want to see it with a decimal point, it would be 250.0. Just adding a zero at the end for extra flair.
MS stands for 'Mint State' meaning a coin that shows no wear or damage from circulation.
Percent is like a fraction and a decimal. It shows the ratio of PART to WHOLE.PART / WHOLE144/ 300 = 0.48which equals 48%
84 = 2*2*3*7
64 = 2*2*2*2*2*2
The decimal $0.01 show's that one penny is one hundredth of a dollar.
you should no smartie pants>>>>>stop watching tv and play outside or study
What is a decimal