it facilitates arithmetic calculations using fractions. Especially with calculators.
no need to change the denominators
A decimal number is not an integer. An integer is a number that is not a fraction, and decimal numbers are decimal fractions.
The relationship between fractions and decimals can be seen as follow. Fractions can be represented as ratio of two numbers and on dividing can give a decimal value. And decimal value can be converted into a fraction too.
No, it is not.
it facilitates arithmetic calculations using fractions. Especially with calculators.
no need to change the denominators
Fractions in decimal form are easy to compare and to add and subtract from one another.
A percentage is a special way of writing fractions with a denominator of 100. For example, 33% = 0.33 or 33/100.A decimal is also a special way of writing fractions - with a denominator that is a power of 10. Which power, depends on the number of decimal digis. For example, 0.125 = 125/1000.
243 hundredths can be written as 0.243 in decimal form. This is because each decimal place to the right of the decimal point represents a power of 10, with the first place being tenths, the second place being hundredths, and so on. Therefore, 243 hundredths is equivalent to 2 tenths and 4 hundredths, which can be combined to form 0.243.
All rational fractions.
The strategies for writing equivalent ratios is the same as writing equivalent fractions.
The three fractions whose decimal equivalent is 0.40 are 4/10. 8/20 and 16/40. There are many more fractions that would have the same decimal result.
You first convert them to equivalent fractions with a common denominator. Or you convert them to decimal fractions.
Fractions or decimal fractions.
To write 159 as a decimal, you simply write 159.0. This is because the decimal point is already at the end of the number, indicating that there are no decimal fractions. Another way to represent 159 as a decimal is 159.000, which emphasizes that there are no decimal fractions.